Mp guy open 30, i just call w Red TT, btn young kid John 3bet 110, mp fold i tk call w 1500behind, HU $260. I actually knew john, real nice kid, played well but i can spot some of his tells. Mp guy has some sizing tell, so for John its a real good squeez spot, and he is capable of doing this. Again, my hand may be good , and even if not, stack is deep enough for set value.
Flop 872hhs, i ck he led 180 into 260, i think and called. Plan to call down. Coz i think his move spells weakness.
那么他到底是make a move还是有真东西,用牌里和数据的方法已经很难推测了,这个时候,阅读马脚几乎是解决问题的唯一办法。
当然我和霍师傅都不是phil ivey,还不敢那么相信自己的观察。