如果是ZOOM(or FT rush),因为大家都可以在较短的时间内通过快速fold 牌来获得更好的起手牌,我觉得应该尊重对手在UTG or MP的open。换位思考,因为ZOOM快速切换的特性,会给玩家造成一种感觉就是拿到好牌的次数赠多了,同时遇到后卫3bet的次数也增多了。因此大多数玩家(除非特别激进),拿什么样的牌在前位Open才不怕后卫的3-bet, 无非就是AAXX or 四张连牌+单花以上。
一家之言,基于我之前玩 FT rush PLO的一些心得,希望对吉米哥有帮助。 作者: monox0 时间: 2012-4-11 13:49
several point:
1 .respect more UTG raise, ZOOM is way too tight. ( I don't like it at all)
2. as played you should fold a lot of times to 4 bet. or at least call 4bet and evaluate flop. (this won't be much better than shove because you are almost commited to any flop with overpair KK,
you will have the argument that if you know oppo has AA, you would play perfectly against it and fold a lot of flop. but if you know it's 100% AA, the best strategy would be fold to 4bet preflop)
shove is worst idea. 作者: monox0 时间: 2012-4-11 13:52
sorry, first question: 3bet AKKTds in position??
100% but yes, if you afraid getting 4bet and SPR too low, you can consider not pot raise it. 作者: Mirabelle 时间: 2012-4-11 15:45
3BET没问题,不过被4BET直接推有点冒险了,敢于4BET的绝大多数还是AAXX,你会严重落后,还是保守点跟注看翻牌,毕竟有很多翻牌都会帮到你,提高你的胜率,如果是完全没帮助的翻牌,对手全进的话弃牌就是了作者: holdemfishIV 时间: 2012-4-11 16:24
这问题难想吗?作者: notch 时间: 2012-4-12 10:31 本帖最后由 notch 于 2012-4-12 11:10 编辑