
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城 [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2009-9-8 10:49
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
智游城热烈欢迎扑克史上最伟大的牌手之一Johnny Chan的加入。我们相信Johnny的加入会给智游城带来非常积极的影响,使智游城更有凝聚力,成为全球华人牌手交流的重要平台,为推动扑克在中国的发展及华人牌手在世界舞台的成功起到更重要的作用。


附:Johnny Chan简介
Johnny 出生于广州,5岁随全家移居香港,11岁移民美国。Johnny被认为是世界扑克史上最伟大的牌手之一,并于2002年进入扑克名人堂。他拥有10条wsop金手链,在wsop主赛中的表现尤为出色,分别夺得87年冠军,88年冠军及89年亚军。这一纪录被认为是wsop最难破的。截至2009年9月7日,Johnny的比赛奖金总额为8,078,243美元,排名扑克史上第16名。Johnny 也是现金比赛的顶尖高手和最大赢家之一。除扑克之外,Johnny在其他领域也表现出令人羡慕的才华。在风靡一时的美国大片Rouders客串出演,令人叫绝;在拉斯维加斯等地拥有自己的产业;为trader杂志写专栏文章等等。

大家好!我是Johnny Chan(陈强尼)。首先我对没能及时跟贴表示歉意。我刚刚从澳门回到美国,这次澳门之行花了很长时间,也很有成效。我在那里打了一些比赛及现金牌局,同时参加了电影“扑克王”的拍摄。扑克王很快就会上演,请留意!





作者: mardiego    时间: 2009-9-8 13:20
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: nailliu    时间: 2009-9-8 15:58
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: deon    时间: 2009-9-8 16:16
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: dpiero    时间: 2009-9-8 17:10
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
Johnny Chan 的加入,真是个振奋人心 的好消息~~
作者: zwfutures    时间: 2009-9-8 17:29
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: runyutong    时间: 2009-9-8 21:12
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
热烈欢迎!! [s:167]  [s:167]
作者: Howard    时间: 2009-9-8 21:34
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
从没见过johnny chan讲中文,5岁移民,恐怕忘记的差不多了。得努力啊,呵呵
作者: 建设2008    时间: 2009-9-8 21:37
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: vipdarling    时间: 2009-9-8 21:45
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: 百刀舰长    时间: 2009-9-8 22:21
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
哈哈,本论坛华人高手几乎都聚集全了,离成为真正的中文德州扑克论坛NO.1越来越近了 [s:171]
作者: David Chiu    时间: 2009-9-8 23:39
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: poop    时间: 2009-9-9 00:34
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
在澳门有幸目睹了老邱和老陈的风采,同为中国人,为前辈们曾经取得的成绩而由衷的敬佩和骄傲 [s:149]
作者: 王 爷    时间: 2009-9-9 01:42
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
热烈欢迎Johnny Chan !!!! 上月在澳门,还给我签了名,签的是  ALL IN  ,哈哈!!非常感谢!!
作者: ZurichSummer    时间: 2009-9-9 05:42
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-9-9 09:47
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: luckypanda    时间: 2009-9-9 10:47
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
从没见过johnny chan讲中文,5岁移民,恐怕忘记的差不多了。得努力啊,呵呵

他应该会讲中文。我记得去年WSOP ME期间,有人在vegas某餐厅排队时碰到Johnny Chan,当时他正在跟服务生讲广东话。

Anyway,Johnny Chan加入智游城是个大喜讯,列队欢迎!!! [s:146]
作者: 0532gszy    时间: 2009-9-9 11:03
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
我是看Johnny Chan丢掉AA的网络视频玩扑克的,CHAN的境界就是我玩的目标,看样很难达到。对邱前辈的指教,我是非常感谢,他对比赛的评论,对我非常有帮助,万谢!
作者: winmore    时间: 2009-9-9 11:08
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: justend    时间: 2009-9-9 11:22
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城


作者: purecoca    时间: 2009-9-9 12:57
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
华人的骄傲!热烈欢迎!! [s:149]
作者: horsewolf    时间: 2009-9-9 15:53
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: royalflush    时间: 2009-9-10 02:13
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
我的眼睛没问题吧?没有看错吧? [s:167]
作者: David Chiu    时间: 2009-9-10 02:41
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
我的眼睛没问题吧?没有看错吧? [s:167]
作者: yoking    时间: 2009-9-10 06:57
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: bbigg    时间: 2009-9-10 07:54
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
热烈欢迎johnny chen
作者: jck    时间: 2009-9-10 08:08
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: xktang    时间: 2009-9-10 08:21
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
welcome... [s:171]
作者: leslieyta    时间: 2009-9-10 09:21
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: windalone    时间: 2009-9-10 09:50
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: magic_008    时间: 2009-9-10 11:52
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
不知道有没有机会向大师偷两着? [s:146]
作者: 德州新人    时间: 2009-9-10 15:57
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-9-10 16:24
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: chaoyi    时间: 2009-9-10 16:43
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: ysts    时间: 2009-9-10 18:08
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: yoking    时间: 2009-9-10 18:24
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
强烈建议插国公再给Johnny Chan出一篇传记
作者: royalflush    时间: 2009-9-11 07:32
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
[quote="royalflush":zwrktnd4]我的眼睛没问题吧?没有看错吧? [s:167]

作者: zjusuibian    时间: 2009-9-11 09:52
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
强烈建议插国公再给Johnny Chan出一篇传记

作者: 半路相遇    时间: 2009-9-11 14:20
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
欢迎Johnny Chan大叔。。。。。。。。这水坛真有趣
作者: tender    时间: 2009-9-11 16:18
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
又一个传奇 [s:185] 人物。。。
作者: september8    时间: 2009-9-11 18:47
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: pezachow    时间: 2009-9-11 18:51
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: luckytvguy    时间: 2009-9-11 22:37
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: randompoker    时间: 2009-9-12 07:36
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
哈哈,欢迎老陈。 以前光在电视上看了,啥时候见到真人啊,呵呵。
作者: Kel    时间: 2009-9-12 09:10
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: ysts    时间: 2009-9-12 13:22
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: 青萍之末    时间: 2009-9-12 17:53
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
热烈欢迎!论坛有这么多扑克界的大佬们的支持,想不兴旺都难! [s:146]  [s:146]
作者: lazycrow    时间: 2009-9-13 08:21
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
wow....Johnny Chan....welcome and i am sure everyone has a lot to ask....hope you could come play poker with us sometimes...
作者: lilim81    时间: 2009-9-13 10:29
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: pdutty    时间: 2009-9-13 11:19
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
热烈欢迎johnny chan的加入!good luck!
作者: bigslick112    时间: 2009-9-14 01:11
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: wideout4life    时间: 2009-9-14 07:59
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
期待插老帮我们johnny chan写传记!
作者: Shako    时间: 2009-9-14 10:51
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
好激动,johnny chan也在这里!这里真是个好地方啊很多高手云集!
作者: lady    时间: 2009-9-14 12:00
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城

还是比较喜欢老邱.... 特别是看了录像后...已经把老邱当成偶像了 [s:167]
作者: 29206298    时间: 2009-9-14 14:57
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: mardiego    时间: 2009-9-14 15:35
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城

还是比较喜欢老邱.... 特别是看了录像后...已经把老邱当成偶像了 [s:167]

像Johnny Chan这样的高手加入智游城,应该不像我们这样的随随便便注册个帐号这么简单,不知有多少网站都想付天价让此类绝顶高手加入的。所以Johnny能够加入我们这个非盈利性质的论坛,可以想象David和Rich肯定是做了大量的工作的。等Johnny Chan有了时间慢慢了解智游城,我想他会出面跟大家打成一片的。慢慢来。。。。。。

老邱很够意思,如果你有机会见到他,走上去跟他说你是城里的兄弟,他一定会热情相待,混个签名合影一点问题没有,如果你像我这么幸运,没准还能一起喝早茶 [s:146]  [s:146]  [s:146] 。
作者: lxf    时间: 2009-9-15 00:24
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: pipi    时间: 2009-9-15 07:19
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: haisun    时间: 2009-9-15 11:36
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: CNYgogogo    时间: 2009-9-15 23:36
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: 悠闲时光    时间: 2009-9-16 01:18
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: 田品吕口    时间: 2009-9-16 04:27
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
no way~~~

作者: jackrockrock    时间: 2009-9-17 02:10
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
Very nice...Welcome!
作者: chapstick    时间: 2009-9-17 08:25
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: zwfutures    时间: 2009-9-17 15:51
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: davsut    时间: 2009-9-18 06:22
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
众多高手云集!越来越喜欢这儿了!欢迎johnny chan!
作者: fyh81    时间: 2009-9-18 07:19
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: wwei25    时间: 2009-9-19 13:45
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
welcome johnny [s:178]
作者: freewoman    时间: 2009-9-21 01:00
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: wyw2008    时间: 2009-9-21 03:02
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
真希望有机会和johnny 坐下来打游戏币///

瓦咔咔。。。我的想法是不是很有创意啊。。。。 [s:167]
作者: flyerkite    时间: 2009-9-22 14:04
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
有段时间没进城了,进城都是大事件啊! [s:171]
作者: Johnny Chan    时间: 2009-9-22 16:22
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
希望大家支持我们中国队!  [s:146]

Hi guys!  This is Johnny Chan.  I apologize for the delay in posting, but I just got back to the US after a long, prosperous and productive trip in Macau. I was playing in some tournaments and cash games over there in addition to filming the Poker King movie.  Look for it soon!

I can see that this site is really taking off and that you are all quite active.  I want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of poker's growth.  I think that this site will do great things to build friendships/community and spread both awareness and education of my favorite game!

Having played over 30 years, it is amazing to see how poker has grown over the years and is just now really starting to catch on in Asia. To take it even further, I will be leading  a team of Chinese poker pros to compete on a global level against other countries like the US, Australia, U.K., etc.  It is in a team tournament format and is appropriately named World Team Poker.  Look out for Team China news soon!

Regarding my future involvement with zhiyoucheng.com, I plan to participate periodically to give members updates on the life of a professional poker player.  To this end, although I do not wish to disappoint, I simply don't have time to reply to every single post due as I'm typically playing poker, filming or doing interviews, or spending time with my family. Believe me, poker is one tough way to make a living, but it is the best life I could have chosen. Therefore, I will try to simply browse themes and comment generally to topics that seem to be of interest to the community instead of to direct questions.

With that, I would like to thank you again for you involvement and hope to see you "heads up" one of these days.

P.S. As it appeared there was some question in some earlier posts, being from Hong Kong, I do speak Cantonese and Mandarin.  However, when I went to school, we didn't have computers back then and I must admit that I haven't mastered pinyin on a computer.  The characters at the top of the post took forever!   [s:167]
作者: saiyang    时间: 2009-9-22 16:33
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
希望大家支持我们中国队!  [s:146]

Hi guys!  This is Johnny Chan.  I apologize for the delay in posting, but I just got back to the US after a long, prosperous and productive trip in Macau. I was playing in some tournaments and cash games over there in addition to filming the Poker King movie.  Look for it soon!

I can see that this site is really taking off and that you are all quite active.  I want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of poker's growth.  I think that this site will do great things to build friendships/community and spread both awareness and education of my favorite game!

Having played over 30 years, it is amazing to see how poker has grown over the years and is just now really starting to catch on in Asia. To take it even further, I will be leading  a team of Chinese poker pros to compete on a global level against other countries like the US, Australia, U.K., etc.  It is in a team tournament format and is appropriately named World Team Poker.  Look out for Team China news soon!

Regarding my future involvement with zhiyoucheng.com, I plan to participate periodically to give members updates on the life of a professional poker player.  To this end, although I do not wish to disappoint, I simply don't have time to reply to every single post due as I'm typically playing poker, filming or doing interviews, or spending time with my family. Believe me, poker is one tough way to make a living, but it is the best life I could have chosen. Therefore, I will try to simply browse themes and comment generally to topics that seem to be of interest to the community instead of to direct questions.

With that, I would like to thank you again for you involvement and hope to see you "heads up" one of these days.

P.S. As it appeared there was some question in some earlier posts, being from Hong Kong, I do speak Cantonese and Mandarin.  However, when I went to school, we didn't have computers back then and I must admit that I haven't mastered pinyin on a computer.  The characters at the top of the post took forever!   [s:167]

Oh!My god...Johnny Chan.. [s:158]  [s:158]  [s:158]  [s:158]
作者: firebird    时间: 2009-9-22 16:43
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
wow,东方快车都来了哦 [s:158]

ps:这帖子置顶了反而没注意到,每次来都直接看下面的新帖子了。 [s:152]
作者: chaoyi    时间: 2009-9-22 19:20
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: bigmao    时间: 2009-9-22 20:54
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城

wow. 电影ROUNDERS里的Johnny Chan 来了! 我本来以为他就是挂个名呢。
还记得ROUNDERS里WSOP ME CHAN和SEIDEL HU的经典片断,"yes,ERIC SEIDEL GOES ALLIN,and CHAN has him, Johnny Chan, the master...."
作者: Kel    时间: 2009-9-22 23:34
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
希望大家支持我们中国队!  [s:146]

P.S. As it appeared there was some question in some earlier posts, being from Hong Kong, I do speak Cantonese and Mandarin.  However, when I went to school, we didn't have computers back then and I must admit that I haven't mastered pinyin on a computer.  The characters at the top of the post took forever!   [s:167]

一大早上来惊见Johnny Chan的帖子,很是喜出望外,没想到他不发则已,一发还挺长的一篇,只是不知道论坛的中文帖子他老人家是否都能看懂 [s:158] 以前只听说邱大侠发一个中文帖通常需要1-2个小时,不过通过几个月的恶补,邱大侠已经进步很大了,现在发一个帖子大概只需要半个小时了 [s:167] 再看Chan大侠写的“The characters at the top of the post--希望大家支持我们中国队!-- took forever!   [s:167]”,老邱同志这下该更放心了,您现在有余力的话,可以帮助Chan提高中文水平了 [s:167]  [s:167]  [s:167]
作者: David Chiu    时间: 2009-9-22 23:55
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: 黄老实    时间: 2009-9-23 01:39
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: luckypanda    时间: 2009-9-23 03:02
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
扑克是Johnny Chan的长项,技惊四座是家常便饭,本以为上网发贴是他的弱项,没想到他的第一个贴子就把大家给shock了,哈哈。所以永远不能低估对手啊。

看到偶像开口了,应该很多同学在无比激动中吧。 [s:146]
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-9-23 03:12
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城

大家好!我是Johnny Chan(陈强尼)。首先我对没能及时跟贴表示歉意。我刚刚从澳门回到美国,这次澳门之行花了很长时间,也很有成效。我在那里打了一些比赛及现金牌局,同时参加了电影“扑克王”的拍摄。扑克王很快就会上演,请留意!





希望大家支持我们中国队!  [s:146]

Hi guys!  This is Johnny Chan.  I apologize for the delay in posting, but I just got back to the US after a long, prosperous and productive trip in Macau. I was playing in some tournaments and cash games over there in addition to filming the Poker King movie.  Look for it soon!

I can see that this site is really taking off and that you are all quite active.  I want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of poker's growth.  I think that this site will do great things to build friendships/community and spread both awareness and education of my favorite game!

Having played over 30 years, it is amazing to see how poker has grown over the years and is just now really starting to catch on in Asia. To take it even further, I will be leading  a team of Chinese poker pros to compete on a global level against other countries like the US, Australia, U.K., etc.  It is in a team tournament format and is appropriately named World Team Poker.  Look out for Team China news soon!

Regarding my future involvement with zhiyoucheng.com, I plan to participate periodically to give members updates on the life of a professional poker player.  To this end, although I do not wish to disappoint, I simply don't have time to reply to every single post due as I'm typically playing poker, filming or doing interviews, or spending time with my family. Believe me, poker is one tough way to make a living, but it is the best life I could have chosen. Therefore, I will try to simply browse themes and comment generally to topics that seem to be of interest to the community instead of to direct questions.

With that, I would like to thank you again for you involvement and hope to see you "heads up" one of these days.

P.S. As it appeared there was some question in some earlier posts, being from Hong Kong, I do speak Cantonese and Mandarin.  However, when I went to school, we didn't have computers back then and I must admit that I haven't mastered pinyin on a computer.  The characters at the top of the post took forever!   [s:167]

作者: wingism    时间: 2009-9-23 06:38
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城

wow. 电影ROUNDERS里的Johnny Chan 来了! 我本来以为他就是挂个名呢。
还记得ROUNDERS里WSOP ME CHAN和SEIDEL HU的经典片断,"yes,ERIC SEIDEL GOES ALLIN,and CHAN has him, Johnny Chan, the master...."

偶像来了,我是因为看了ROUNDERS开始玩Poker. ROUNDERS看了3+遍 [s:167] 不知道城里谁和我一样
作者: pokerbean    时间: 2009-9-23 06:40
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
希望大家支持我们中国队!  [s:146]

Hi guys!  This is Johnny Chan.  I apologize for the delay in posting, but I just got back to the US after a long, prosperous and productive trip in Macau. I was playing in some tournaments and cash games over there in addition to filming the Poker King movie.  Look for it soon!

欢迎扑克明星+电影明星!  [s:167]  [s:167]  [s:167]

支持中国队,支持JOHNNY CHAN!
作者: wingism    时间: 2009-9-23 06:50
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
希望大家支持我们中国队!  [s:146]

P.S. As it appeared there was some question in some earlier posts, being from Hong Kong, I do speak Cantonese and Mandarin.  However, when I went to school, we didn't have computers back then and I must admit that I haven't mastered pinyin on a computer.  The characters at the top of the post took forever!   [s:167]

我在办公室打不了中文, I would  just go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://translate.google.com/">http://translate.google.com/</a><!-- m -->, and enter English to get the Chinese translation, then I just copy and paste it here. e.g. "希望大家支持我们中国队". I would enter "Hope(希望) Big(大) Home(家) Support(支持) We(我们) China(中国) Team(队). It may only take 2 mins. You could try it next time.
作者: pokerbean    时间: 2009-9-23 09:39
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
我在办公室打不了中文, I would  just go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://translate.google.com/">http://translate.google.com/</a><!-- m -->, and enter English to get the Chinese translation, then I just copy and paste it here. e.g. "希望大家支持我们中国队". I would enter "Hope(希望) Big(大) Home(家) Support(支持) We(我们) China(中国) Team(队). It may only take 2 mins. You could try it next time.

Here, use this one:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sevenforks.com/ime/notepad.html">http://www.sevenforks.com/ime/notepad.html</a><!-- m -->

so long as you can read chinese, you can type.
作者: mardiego    时间: 2009-9-23 19:50
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
Rich给介绍一下World Team Poker的情况吧
作者: wideout4life    时间: 2009-9-24 04:01
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
johnny chan也来了???我没看错吧!太好了!
作者: wingism    时间: 2009-9-25 06:03
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城

我在办公室打不了中文, I would  just go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://translate.google.com/">http://translate.google.com/</a><!-- m -->, and enter English to get the Chinese translation, then I just copy and paste it here. e.g. "希望大家支持我们中国队". I would enter "Hope(希望) Big(大) Home(家) Support(支持) We(我们) China(中国) Team(队). It may only take 2 mins. You could try it next time.

Here, use this one:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sevenforks.com/ime/notepad.html">http://www.sevenforks.com/ime/notepad.html</a><!-- m -->

so long as you can read chinese, you can type.[/quote:13ryu2vc]

作者: qeq620    时间: 2009-9-25 13:53
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: thilar    时间: 2009-9-27 12:56
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
热烈欢迎Johnny chan, good luck!
作者: horsewolf    时间: 2009-9-29 08:09
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: yuanrobben    时间: 2009-10-1 02:08
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: 风云之龍    时间: 2009-10-2 22:13
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
欢迎欢迎 热烈欢迎
作者: DMS055    时间: 2009-10-3 03:51
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: feicao01    时间: 2009-10-4 09:40
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: superxll    时间: 2009-10-6 02:33
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
作者: thirtystand    时间: 2009-10-7 03:05
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
哇, 真令人激动啊!
作者: meumi    时间: 2009-10-7 08:18
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
這個翻譯軟體翻譯出來的句子挺差的 [s:167]
作者: kongconglee    时间: 2009-10-8 10:30
标题: 欢迎Johnny Chan加入智游城
“ChenZhongHeng playing CARDS, he has read his bravado and is perfect”


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