800/1600 ante 150,7ring,right on bubble in a rebuy MTT,平均筹码50k
Hero (43k)在Button拿到 5 5
对手 (49k)在UTG
The setup: You had been crippled in this tournament until an orbit or two ago, when you doubled up against your current opponent by cracking his limped QQ. Your image was very tight, although that hand may have changed it a bit.
You are on the exact money bubble when the following hand comes up. UTG (the player who doubled you a few hands ago) raises to 3x the BB. the table folds to you on the button, and you decide to make it 14,000 flat. The blinds fold and the raise calls the extra 9200. The flop comes:
上次他QQ 让 Hero 翻倍,不一定这次也会做 calling station。这就是为什么我直觉 All in 也许更好,说得不那什么一点,对手甚至会冲着钱圈份上,拿着大的 overpair fold to this shove,甚至是AA。当然,这也只是可能。我的意思是说,我们可以紧,但不能太弱。我真正担心的,说实话只有88。call 3bet 和 check flop,能说明什么呢?如果我们这时候check,就有弱的嫌疑了,而且,什么信息也得不到。