发现每次我都是泼冷水... 我觉得这是不对的。
首先看怎么定义好? 好就是能赢钱最多就是好,还是本领最强就是好? 你的答案是赢钱最多。
用弱牌把别人的弱牌bluff 掉,首先是最容易的,反过来,你在拿弱牌的时候,也经常会被对手的弱牌bluff掉。
举个例子: MP limp, BTN(hero)limp, BBcall. Flop K 8 3 r, check , check, Hero bet, fold fold.
这样的牌每天发生很多次,在你身上可能同样也发生,所以你并没有优势。 你觉得它好是没错,但忽略了一个重要问题是,如此简单的bluff 每个人都很自然习得,最后变成众人皆知的事,可能你更擅长一点,别人少偷一点,长期下来你稍有赢余,但也微不足道。
(More to mention in this hand, sometime those who fold to you not because they thought you got a premium hands, nor due to the fact their hands is poor, just because the single reason they don't want to play with you in a small pot OOP, prefer to go on to the next hand only.)
我说了赢rock,没说赢durrr,避免有人来找麻烦作者: 不会打比赛 时间: 2011-2-1 23:12
不大同意楼主的观点。。作者: windstormm 时间: 2011-2-2 00:57
this is very good. ~ when you bluff you want to make a better but relatively weak hand to fold. Don't always try to fold out strong made hand, it is not profitable.作者: windstormm 时间: 2011-2-2 01:01
如果你总想bluff out tptk, over pair, or even trip A and sets(异想天开?) , 那你误入歧途了~~作者: RichZhu 时间: 2011-2-2 01:23
this seems not the case. If you bet 50 to steal 50 pot, you need 50% to fold your oppenent, risk/margin =1:1作者: yacaimei 时间: 2011-2-2 02:26
我持反对意见,也和其他反对意见持不同意见。我觉得楼主分析的切入角度就错了,不过这是一个很好的讨论话题。作者: 伟大的墙 时间: 2011-2-2 05:53 本帖最后由 伟大的墙 于 2011-2-2 11:43 编辑
老大,你不要什麼對手都想贏吧,一桌子上有那麼多人,每個人的錢我們都贏那我們早就發家致富了,像 rock ...
smallma 发表于 2011-2-2 01:32