这手牌durrr翻牌上用一个有点反常规但是又绝对是他风格之内合情合理的玩法,把憋了一条街的value在河底爆发出来。河底的重注显然是represent either Q/fullhouse or bluff,这种打法在Antonius有J或者AA/KK/99时最为有效,当然对手有Qx那就更没说的了。Antonius的跟注也算合理,毕竟Durrr此时value的范围实在不多,而bluff的范围却很宽。
Durrrr的转牌跟注时的动作有些跟平时不一样,一般他都是比较慎重,动作缓慢,但这次却是略作思考就有些轻佻的跟,可能是他认为elezra有可能把他放到一个draw上,在这样有对子的牌面故此比较轻佻的做了一个“what the fxxx”的转牌跟。而durrr基本排除elezra有J之后,就进入纯Value状态。到底能榨出多少价值来?取决于河底下注×Eli跟注概率。大一些的下注没准反倒提高Eli跟注概率,尤其是在电视上,何乐而不为?
这手牌Durrr自己事后也说打得不好,应该多下一点,40K或者更高。这样2X的下注Antonius一定是跟的。估计5X也要跟,但Durrr不畏惧Antonius bluff 全进这个事情,不知是他预见到了,还是Antonius真的没动这个心思。他自己的话说”he can never have a Q“,完全把Antonius排除了Q。
枪口位置的Elezra用K9o加注到1.4K,Hellmuth用97o再加注到5.4K。此前Hellmuth一直比较紧,也常规性得抱怨对手总是push him around。他还抛出著名的老鼠夹子理论:我就一直让他们bluff,bluff,就像老鼠追奶酪一样,到最后趴痴一下子我就会把夹子落下来。durrr在CO位置用JTs 4bet到16.1K,其他人扔,Hellmuth Call!
这手牌durrr把hellmuth置于什么牌呢?我觉得肯定包含AA/KK/AQ,或者JJ,99,88等低一个档次的,97o,恐怕durrr自己也没想到。但durrr应该是看出了hellmuth此前一直被推来推去的懊丧,要take a stand的决心。hellmuth把durrr置于什么牌?既然他最终跟了,肯定是有很大一些他的9-7能打败的了:AK/AJ,76s,43s,22,A4s,等等。急于take a stand的时候,往往就是On tilt的典型特征,诸位切记,切记。
hand 7. durr was not reping a Q only. he can also rep AA and KK. if you look at hand 5. it is very similar in fact, durr checked flop with over pair on a flopped paired board and over bet river. on the other hand, Antonius can't have Q like mentioned. He can't have too much AA KK in his range either based on his preflop action (not saying he can't flat KK AA preflop but it is just less in his range.) Durr can totally over bet here to get value for AA KK here. this is also partially why Antonius does not dare to reshove bluff, but can only call to catch bluff.作者: youngtercel 时间: 2011-1-19 12:57
He is good, the price to play like this is big SWING作者: 德州新人 时间: 2011-1-20 00:45
的确,一个高手也许你可以抓到他一次BLUFF,但时间长了你能抓到几次呢?作者: bearbaby821 时间: 2011-1-20 15:53
太高深了。。。。想不明白作者: jayking 时间: 2011-1-22 12:40