like the louzhu says he even call an all in with gut shot so the impplied odds for him is very good, so yinhan very very good.
Say Q7 is average hand. lets say you got AJ, they are much better than average hand. If you all in preflop and he call with 72, your ev is only about 25%.
If you play Q10 and see the flop and you hit Q or 10, usually, you dominate him. If he got a middle pair, he get 5 outs and he has 20% to win. So, you get 50% EV which is much better than all in pre with AJ.
the problem is the implied odds. That is mean if he does not call you at flop when you hit your Q or 10. According to louzhu, he call almost every possible pair and possible draw at flop. So play with him at flop is a much better way and much profitable.
And i do not understand why Q10 is worse than K5. Though Q10 is behind K5 if all in preflop but Q10 is more playable. How if you hit your 5 when you play K5. However, Q10 no matter you hit Q or 10 both are good enough to beat a donkey.作者: sama 时间: 2010-6-30 11:09
楼主已经交代了,对手拿小头的gut shot 兆都会靠你的all,你想想,这是多好的隐含啊。那几乎可以肯定对手只要中了东西,无论中对小队,4个 outs的 gut shot,都会兆。那么在你2/3中了的时候,好多时候,他会拿4个活路左右靠你,给你带来了很大的EV。我们假设他平均有5个outs ,也就是你有80%的机会。你的EV是相当大,80%-20%=60%。
我可能误解你的意思,你提到的K5,你是不是想说,如果翻牌前 all in,Q10不如K5,这个是对的。Q10不如K5,同花10J更不如K5. 所以可以这样说,K5翻牌前推了比同花10J厉害,也比Q10厉害。但K5没有任何隐含价值,无法看翻牌后玩下去。而你翻牌前all in,他的价值又不如A5.
但真正打牌,不是为了每把都翻牌前 all in,这里有个牌是不是可以玩,叫做 playable.实际这个K5比同花10J翻牌前 all in并没有什么实际意义。多数牌我们还是遵循翻牌,转牌河牌这样一步步打下去的。所以,同花10J的价值要比K5好的多,同理10Q也比K5的实用价值高。
再来看K5,是的,中了K是很大的对子。当然,对付这样一个对手,不用考虑踢脚。可中了5呢,这样小的对子,使你很难玩下去。他手里的牌很容易就是5的 over cards,这样他就有6个活路,外带点 gut shot什么的,他已经有很多活路了。所以,怎么看怎么是Q10有隐含。