
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程. [打印本页]

作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-4-13 00:15
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
想写一下自几第一次玩live poker的up and downs.  本来想全写中文, 不过我打得实
在太慢. 所以主要还是写英文加一些中文.  大家凑活着看把.

地点:  Caesars Palace, Atlantic City, NJ,
时间:  5pm 4-10-2010 until 3am 4-11-2010
主要人物:  我, 同胞A with yellow jacket, Russion LAG donk,  black guy who
look like Aikon,  Successful fultilt online player with ironman jacket, Old
and quiet Asian guy, Talkative black dude with freckles, aggressive white guy
次要人物: businessman lookalike, baby face white guy who look like underage,  Fish couple who plays next to each other, white dude with low pitch voice, 同胞B with blue shirt, 还有很多在这先不一一赘述.
Stake: 1-2 NL with minimum 60$ and maximum 300$ buy in.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-4-13 00:17
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
(1) 征途中

   I didn't plan this trip to AC until the last minute. My wife's sister (my
sister-in-law) wanted to go to AC outlet mall for shopping with her husband
. Her husband Beta is a not very successful fultilt player (introduced by me
of course) but with a passion towards poker like each one of us on this
board. My wife was enticed immediately. She asked for my opinion and told me
I could play poker all day while she shops with her sister.

I always wanted to try out live poker, but never had a chance really.
Firstly, I wasn't doing well on on-line cash game for a long time. Secondly,
i was fear of the big difference between live poker and on-line poker that
I kept hearing about.  Since I had a breakthrough recently on rush poker
cash game, I was very eager to try it out on live cash game.  Beta
generously offered to show me around the poker room in AC. He is obviously
very familiar with the AC poker room even though he never played there. My
sister-in-law is a big Shopaholic, they go to AC almost every other month. I
remember Fryking said that he was going to be there too. I figured why not.
Maybe I could even bump into the poker legend of MITBBS--fryking--in person,
knowing that he would be going as well.  One more reason for me to go this weekend!

Fast forward,  we reached AC at 4pm on 4-10-2010. After quick dinner with
the family,  Beta and I head out to Caesers while the women off shopping.  I
was very exited as well as nervous. After all it was the first time I was
going to try this for real. I took out 400$ cash with me and made a promise
that this was all I could lose.  I also promise myself to at least say all
in and push all the chips in the middle once like those on TV.

Walking into Caesars straight to poker room. It was not very packed. On the
computer screen, it says 1-2$ opens seats. Great! I thought i was going to
wait forever to get a seat.  I went to the counter ask the floor man how to
get in the game. He told me that I had to go to the cashiers to get the
chips and then went to see him.  Oops, newbie mistake, I thought i could get
chips direct from the table like black jacks.. I also asked the buy-ins..
60-300$ buy in. Beta realized the minimum buy in was only 60. He decided to
play as well with the minimum. I went ahead and bought in 140$.  We sat down
on two different tables and there I started my 10 hour live poker journey.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-4-13 00:18
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
(2) 第一手牌.
   Sitting down at the table and putting 140$ chips in front of me, I was
very nervous. My plan was very clear--try to stay out of the action until I
get familiar with the surroundings, opponents. Looking around the table, 8
different people were sitting. There is an old white guy sitting right to
the dealer, he had a diamond reward card in front of him. He must be a
regular. I have got to be careful. At the same time, I tried to hide my
pathetic gold reward card away from everyone's sight.  To the right of him,
it was a Chinese 同胞 in yellow jacket.  He was drinking a cup of coffee
looking very calm. (there will be plenty of battle between me and him in the
very near future). I sat down and told everyone it was my first time for me
plyaing this (not a lie, first time play poker in a casino).  A friendly
guy sitting left of the dealer replied "no worries, we will help you."  I
laughed and told myself that he must want to help me to lose my $$.  However
, I replied politely, "thank you".

   First hand, I was at MP and posted blinds 2$. My hands were a little
shaky when the cards were dealt.  Looking down, big slick AKo.  oops, the
whole goal of me staying out of action is out of window now. What do I do
now?  how much to raise?  one limper EP and everyone fold to me. I suddenly
remember someone have told me that the standard raise for live poker is 10$,
so I said raise. and put 2 5$ chips in the middle.  The Chinese guy called
at button, so as bb and the EP called. This is not good news to me. I didn't
isolate. What I heard was true, 5X raise and 3 callers?  This certainly doesn't
happen often online.

Flops comes out

K J 10 rainbow,

Not a great flop for 4 way pot but I did get TPTK. all checked to me and I
can't slow down this. 20$. a little weak but still a good half pot bet. My
hands were shaking badly when I was deciding what to bet and counting the 4
chips. The Chinese guy called and 2 folds.  I relieved a little, at least it
was HU now. But I certainly didn't like the call.  The flop was scary and I
was not ready to lose my whole stack.

turn was a 5.  

I tanked for a while, trying to figure out how much was in the pot. The
helpful guy early on joked "he is trying to figure out his math". I didn't
reply but was not happy with his help at the spot. I put out second barrel
35$.  My hands were shaking so badly that I bet everyone can see it that I
was very nervous. The Chinese guy thought for a while and folded. "his math
worked" I heard the same guy continued. I didn't care anymore because at least I won
my first pot live, and it was decent size.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-4-13 00:19
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
(3) Big slick AGAIN!
    I started collecting my chips after winning the pot.  I was very
relieved and started to calm down. What about the poker face I prepared for
live poker?  If I keep shaking my hand, i would give them all the tells. (
later someone actually mentioned this on the table) The winning hand helped
me greatly. I started to acting normal and didn't shake my hand anymore. I
also trying to remember what the poker book says "always remember how the
table observes you". I raised the first hand and fired 2 barrel. Everyone
must think I am a very aggressive guy. I need to use this to my advantage.  
Mental notes taken.

    I was back to myself and wanted to stay out of action to observe more
especially after I just won a pot. 2 hands later i was utg, the bb didn't
even come around yet to me.  I looked down, damn AKo again!  My position was
even worse this time. Didn't think I was going to do anything different. I
raised 10$ again. Why try anything different when it worked last time right?
  4 caller AGAIN!  the guy sat left to me--a black guy with freckles called
too almost instantly.  I was utg. Do they even notice?  Or do they just
think I was a maniac that raise 2 hands as soon as I sat down at a table?

QJ9 rainbow.  

I had 2 over card and a gut shot for nut straight.  I didn't want to lead
when I was on a draw. Plus my semi-bluff probably wouldn't work now that I was
raising and betting as soon as I sat down.  The freckled guy put in 15$
quickly. everyone folded. I had a draw to the nuts and the bet was smallish.
I might even have 6 outs for the over card. So i called and tried to get

Turn was a 7 again.

I checked he bet 25$.  I folded quickly.  

Second attempt of AK was a lost cause. I lost 25$. With the position I had
and the cards were dealt. I didn't think i could do anything different. I
really didn't want to start bluffing against unknowns.  The good thing was
that I was still up with my stacks.

After this hand, I started to loosen up and chat up with the black dude to my left.  I asked him what he had. He said he couldn't remember.  No surprise there that he did not want to tell me.  We actually made some quite good conversation and became quite good friends on the table.  I am a very chatty person on the poker table. I think it helps me to stay calm and distract others. I learned this at our home poker game.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-4-13 00:20
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
(4) LAG Russian
      With the game progressing, I started to fit in the game. There is no
big difference between live lows-stake and on-line micro-stake poker after
all, except maybe a little softer.  The raising size pre-flop also varies
between 3X to 6X. There are plenty of family pots with 4-5 people limping in
, but after flop there are usually minimum actions.  I start to limp in a
few hands here and there with position like suited connector or suited 1
gaper 86s 97s etc and of course my favorite small pocket pairs, sometimes
even 89o if I am on button.  On the other hand, I threw away hands like A2o
in early position without a hesitation.  I hate to play this type of hands
in a multi-way limped pot out of position.

      After a while, I started to notice a player sitting left to the "
helpful" white guy.  He was holding a medium stack a little over 100$. He
played a lot of pots and loved action after flop.  When he led on flop, it
was usually pot size bets. I also saw him firing 2 3 barrels on several
occasions.  Then this hand came up:

     5 people limp in and the action man was at small blind and limped too.
Big blind popped to 8X, the freckled guy to my left called as one of the
limpers and the rest folded. And all of a sudden he raised back to 25$. Big
blind called and the black guy folded.  

Flop comes
K54 rainbow,
The aggressive guy bets 30$, bb called.
Turn and rivers are blank, and no more bets were fired.

He flips over 105 o and bb had a K so he took the pot.  Someone commented "
Damn Russians," oh, so he is a Russian. Hmm they are aggressive as
advertized. I will call him LAG Russian from now on.  I heard the freckled
black guy grumped at my side "I knew it!" I looked at him and asked: "what
did you have?" He said "I would have flopped 2 pair."  I looked at the board
. "K5!" he continued.  I laughed and told myself. "oh, he is not very good."
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-4-13 00:20
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
(5) LAG Russian (Part 2)
      I always feel it is very hard to differentiate the agro-donks and the
LAG sharks. It is true online and it appears to be true live as well.  

     LAG Russian continued his aggression. But I was totally lost whether he
was a shark or a donk. I did find out that he loved to show his hand.  4
limpers and he was at button, he raised to 12$. Everyone fold and he flips
over AQs proudly.  He also made a  2 barrel bluff and flipped over with high
card.  Something did not add up that he was a shark. His stack size swings
dramatically from extremely large stack to extremely short stack.

     Soon he got tangled with a black guy sitting 2 seats to my left who was
holding a pretty big stack.  The first hand, black guy raised prefop, and
Russian called.  After flop Russian led 2 barrel and black guy folded on
turn. The Russian flipped over high card. The black guy was not happy and
mumbled "I knew it."  Shortly after that, black guy raised again 12X preflop
. Russian called.  After flop, black guy check raised the Russian guy's big
bets and Russian folded quickly.  Not for long the black guy left with his
big stack.  

     Then another hand came up. It was a limped pot and the Russian had
position. 同胞A with yellow jacket was in the pot as well with 3 others.

Flop A56 rainbow.  
Everyone checked and Russian fired pot size 12$.
Everyone folded and同胞A called.  
Turn was a small cards that I don't remember.
同胞A check, Russian bets 20$, 同胞A called again.
River Q
同胞A led 25$, Russian called.
同胞A showed AJ and Russian mucked quickly.

同胞A won the pot with minimum contest and told the guy on his side "you don
't need a very good hand to beat him."  Wow, I was impressed. Obviously
someone was observing. I looked at him in admire.  He was just collecting
chips while drinking his star bucks coffee calmly.  Isn't that a sign of a
good player?  This hand was played beautifully. well... maybe except the preflop limp, but hey no one was perfect and that played into LAG Russian's style perfectly.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-4-13 00:21
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
(6)  "I am ALL-IN."
          The game continued and I played my regular tight game.  I usually
play rush 25 on-line with vpip of 12 7. I was probably pretty close on the raise rate but
with a little more on the limp rate.  I even limped under the gun a few
times with suited connectors because I had my big plan in the future.

Soon another hand came up with 1 limp ahead, the Russian raised to 12$ LP
and Cutoff called. I looked down and saw one black and one red rocket.
Pocket As!  No need to slow play here to get in trouble like what we have
learned on-line.  I started counting my chips and calmly declare a raise. "
40$" everyone folded. No action but it was probably for the best. I
collected close to 30$ without even seeing the flop.  I gave dealer 1$ for
tip. My plan for tipping was 1$ for every pot if it goes to flop. Nothing if
it folded pre-flop. This was an exception because it was a decent sized pot
even though it didn't see flop.  Dealer accepted happily.  "Treat poker
like business right?" There is no need to go nuts on tips. I saw people
taking down a 10$ pot and giving dealer 5$.  I am obviously not that type of
player. I play poker to maximize my profit.

Shortly, the big blind came up to me again. The "helpful" guy limped at MP,
button limped as well. I looked down A10o. I think I was ahead and it was
time to try my squeeze play using my tight image.  I declared "Raise!"
Dealer repeated it to the table.  I put 2 red 5$ chips in the pot and
brought back my blinds. "10$."  Surprised and not surprised at the same time
, they both called.  Guess my image didn't work or they just didn't pay
attention.  I was out of position but at least I have a decent hand.

Flop 10 3 4 with a flush draw.

Top pair and top kicker flop was not bad at all for me. I thought for a
while and looked down and put in a 15$ bets. "helpful" guy called. TO MY
SURPRISE, button said "all in!"  Dealer quickly took his chips, counted and
said "25$ on top."  Oh he only had 35$ left.  I looked at him, I guess with
that price I can't fold this hand. But I was worried about the helpful guy.
This was a pretty drawy board. He flatted my call. "robably a draw?"  I
looked at his stack, he probably had 70-80$ more left. I had him covered. If
I called here, I would be committed anyway.  Why wait?  I thought for quite
a while and said the thing I have planned all day.  "I AM ALL IN!"  The
helpful guy tanked and looked like trying to make a very difficult decision.
He even showed his hand to the Russian guy beside him.  After a short while
, he said "I call" and asked the short stack "do you have a set."  Oops,
that didn't sound like something I like to hear. Was he only afraid of a

Normally, people do not show up their hand until the turn and river comes
out. I wasn't experienced and flipped over first A10o which I should anyway
after river since I was the last raise.  They both did as well.  SURPRISE ah
SURPRISE ah.  Helpful guy had 103o, button had 34o. Both had 2 pair.  I was
behind but actually was not in too bad a shape. I analyzed this hand after
the game, realizing that I actually had a lot of outs.  Any As of course
plus any bigger pair of turn and river >4.  In a 3 way pot with so many
outs, it was really not that bad. During that time, I was just in a blur
and thought I was terribly behind.  I didn't even look at the board until both
card came out. Turn A, river K.  haha.. I sucked out.  Dealer declared my 2
pair was the winner and pushed the chips in front of me. I was still in
shock. I busted 2 guys in one hand on my first all in hand in a very ugly
suck out fashion. Being a jerk I am, I asked the helpful guy mockingly "why
did you call my raise with 103o?" Seriously, 10% of his stack pre-flop with
103o?  I really didn't feel that bad for the suck out.
作者: santiao    时间: 2010-4-13 00:50
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-4-13 01:20
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
This was originally for the poker forum on mitbbs. I wanted to post it here as well for the experience i had. It might read like a novel but it is 99% real including the table talk.  The minor deviation is some of the non-significatn cards in card detail.  But all the major hand are 100% accurate including the bet sizing.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-4-13 02:09
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
(7) Pot control or Missing values?

        I counted my chips and it was more than 300$.  I was feeling pretty lucky. The table became short handed after 2 guy had left.  A black guy who looked like Aikon joined and sat 2 seats to my right. Another old Oriental Asian guy sat on his right. I was unsure about his real nationality.  I took a break during hands and checked my brother in-law Beta on the other table.  He bought in short and was doing ok. He said he was mostly watching the action. Later, he told me he lost 10$ total after double up his remaining 25$ through pocket 2s on a preflop all in with AQ. He left around 9pm.

        My battle continued.  On the table, The Russian LAG were still swinging with his chips.  He showed some quality hand after all. He was fairly short stacked and went all in on turn with the Diamond reward guy.  Both hold flushes, but the Russian got the edge with K high flush versus a small flush.  He doubled up and got back to his regular stack.

        Soon I had a chance to play against him.  He limps EP. I raised button with A10o to 8$.  Everyone folds and he calls.

FLOP 1056 rainbow.

He checks. I quickly put in 15$.  He calls.

Turn Q,

He checks.  I thought for a while and decided to check.  This was a routine play for me normally.  I know he might be on a draw. But I would like to controll the pot size especially when an over card comes alive.  This is probably arguable play for some people. But it has worked for me.  

River is a 2.  No flush made

He quickly led 25$.  I instantly called. I checked turn because I wanted to call river. Unless he was willing to bet at it pot size or something. I was going to call it for the show down. He flipped over 67o.  No surprise there. I turned over my A10 and claimed winner. 同胞A took a look at me while I was collecting chips.  Was he happy for me to take a bite at the Russian donk's chip like he did?  

         Not for long, I also got involved with Aikon.  The guy sat next to me walked away for a while. We ended up sb and bb. Everyone folded to him and he limped. I looked down KQo. No need to slow down when I have position.  8$ in the pot.  He called. Flop 733 with flush draws. He checked and I bet 10$. He checked raise me to 30$. I looked at him. He could be bluffing or had a 3 but I couldn't call that bet no matter what.  One thing I have learned recently in cash game was that you did not need to catch every bluff or win every pot.  If someone was making a big bluff, it was ok to lay down before you get too deep and pick a better spot. This new improvement had saved a lot of $$ in a losing pot. He showed me an 8 before he mucked the hand. That 8 meant nothing to me.  
         I got my revenge very soon.  Another hand I had A 10 yet again.  I raise preflop with vs a few limpers. Everyone folded and he called and someone else. I hit my top pair again on the flop. All checked to me and I led 20$. He called. The other guy folded. Turn was a blank but I still had my top pair.  He checked and I checked too. I always control pot size and gave the weaker hand a chance to bluff.  River was another blank. He lead 35$ instantly.  I quickly called. He turned over Q6 high. Oops.  Maybe he thought he could bluff me off the pot again?  But I was not ready to be bluffed.

        I think my play might be arguable for some. But I really liked it. I checked turn for both hand for pot control purpose and for the aggressive guys to have a chance to bluff at me. Had I bet on turn, I could not find any weaker hand that I could get value from for my top pair.  If they indeed call turn, I would be beat probably already or if they bluffed at river with a larger pot, it would be very difficult for me to call it because after all I only had a top pair.  To check turn, I opened up their range to bet river. Even if they check river, I could bet it safely with my better hand and open their calling range just a bit with the checked turn to get one extra betting value. More importantly, I controlled pot size to avoid someone slow playing me with their flopped sets. So in a long run, I do not think I miss much value from this play.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-4-13 03:05
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
(8) Successful Fulltilt Player?
    Looking at the time, I realized it is almost 9pm.  I had my chips stack
around 450$ with a round 300$ earning.  The LAG Russian finally busted out
after his ups and downs. He left quickly with his buddy.

At his seat, a young man sat down with an older woman sitting beside him,
maybe his sister or mother.  What caught my eye was his jacket. He was
wearing a black jacket with fulltiltpoker on left front and IRONMAN on the
right front.  Being an ironman for 2 month myself, I knew it at least meant
that he had played many hands online. Experience was still key to success in
poker certainly. I became very wary of him.

Shortly after he sat down, I got involved with him.  I was at big blind.  
Several limped to me including the FTP guy and I had 83o.  No need to get
fancy here. I checked my option.

FLOP 873 rainbow.  

I flopped two pair. With so many limpers, I led quickly with 12$ to test it
out the water.  同胞A at MP called. Full tilt guy called as well and he was
at LP. I didn't like the 2 calls at all.  I didn't feel good about the hand.

Turn was a J.

I checked.  同胞A checked as well.  LP bêt 25$, around half of the pot. I
thought for a while and called.  Surprisingly同胞A called as well. I had a
strong feeling that I was beat.  

River was K.  No flush.

I could do nothing but check. 同胞A checked again. Hmmm I was a little
confused.  LP bets 35$, a smallish bet for river.  Was he bluffing?  I was
not sure. If 同胞A lead I would probably fold, but he checked as well. Was
LP trying to steal the pot with position?  I said call even though I didn't
feel good about. It was just too cheap not to call. Then同胞A called as well
.  I felt beat already. LP turned over 109o with the nut straight. I mucked
my hand. So did 同胞A.  

Later同胞A said that he should have raised on flop.  I asked what he had he
said he flopped top two pair.  Guess my read was ok. I knew I was beat by
him at least when he called behind me.  I was not too sure whether he could
drive away the nut straight draw who was in position, knowing that he could
get paid off if he hit. But I do know that I would lay this down fairly
easily if he raised to 35$ and LP called. His mistake cost me 60$?  I really
hate to play 2 pair hand. You can't play too aggressively to drive out the
draws because you need to bet to know whether you are really ahead.  You can
't lay it down either because you want to get value from TPTK etc.  

After that hand, I started to chat with this full tilt guy.  He looked like
a successful on-line player. He certainly sounded like one as well.  
"Where did you get that jacket? It looked cool."
"Oh, I played on full tilt. I got this jacket there."
"ah."  I looked awed.
"what do you play on there"  
"1$/2$, like this game"
Hmm this sounded suspicious.  As an online-player myself, I know 1$/2$ game
were completely different from 1$/2$ game live. But I didn't need to show my
doubts to him.
"Really?  Do you do well there?"
"Yes!  I made around 3k there"  
"Nice. For how long?"
"About 6 month. But to be honest, I think the 2$/4$ are more beatable there"
haha. Now I see. So he is full of shit.

       I continued to chat with him. He told me that he played tournament on
ftp too mainly the 24$ buy-in guaranteed game and won a couple. Of course
his words don't mean anything to me anymore. However, I didn't plan to confront him
but to look like admiring him. My poker face could finally put in good use.
It didn't matter about his poker skill, but he was very lucky indeed. He hit
a flush, a braodway with J6o. Also had rivered full house with 10 3 vs a
flush. He put in a huge river raise and got called.  He left after a while
with some good money made. I was just glad that was the last hand I was
involved with him.  With his luck, any hand could turn to gold that day.
作者: bedok    时间: 2010-4-13 10:51
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
赞,很有趣啊 [s:167]
作者: cyylce    时间: 2010-4-13 15:03
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
作者: EP_Bob    时间: 2010-4-14 12:54
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
呵呵,记得我第一次也是打现场也是紧张的不行。我在澳门打的10/20,换完筹码刚刚入座的时侯,轮到我大忙,我手上没有2个10块的筹码,我就放了一个50的筹码,前面有5-6家跟,到我的时候dealer 看我是个50的筹码问我是要check or raise,我一紧张也没反应过来 (其实如果check, dealer 会找回我30),我以为丢了出台的筹码就不能收回了,所以既然丢了50就50吧。然后的第一手牌就这样拿了黑桃9j 在大忙位置 make no sense 的做了2.5 bb  rasie, 结果当然是没有一个人跑,哈哈.....

[quote="windstormm"](2) 第一手牌.
My hands were shaking badly when I was deciding what to bet and counting the 4
作者: SUIM    时间: 2010-4-16 12:09
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
very well written!! thanks much for sharing. vivid and detailed.
not to suck up... but i think you've got a back up plan already, if poker doesn't work out for ya -- writing!

i think your best played hand might be that two pair lost one.. then again, i am newbie at this.

also waiting to hear the reaction from wife and sis in law etc... any twists there?
作者: owning3388    时间: 2010-4-16 19:09
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
英文花花公主windstormm是ftp未来的大白鲨 !
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-4-16 21:11
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
It is finished up to 20 pieces. You can find the rest here.

作者: SUIM    时间: 2010-4-18 05:02
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
you have a great wife as she cares alot about you.

not to blame you too much as you were totally into the game but should at least called when you finished the first table... didn't you mention somebody (another chinese guy?) let you borrowed his iphone?

that's the only thing i could make a meaningful/helpful comment. you were right about "only 40" part lol should've got more there.

thanks again!

the swimmer (not necessarily fish that is)
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-4-18 05:52
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
you have a great wife as she cares alot about you.

not to blame you too much as you were totally into the game but should at least called when you finished the first table... didn't you mention somebody (another chinese guy?) let you borrowed his iphone?

that's the only thing i could make a meaningful/helpful comment. you were right about "only 40" part lol should've got more there.

thanks again!

the swimmer (not necessarily fish that is)

Yes great wife indeed.  Thanks for the comments.  [s:146]
作者: SUIM    时间: 2010-4-18 11:03
标题: 初试Live Casino Poker里程.
just read your "after thoughts" on mitbbs.

I don't think the grades in school on the subjects of writing means anything and I am sure you know that. It is true that you were just writing down what happened... this is what everybody is doing and this is what everybody capable of doing. The difference is HOW you tell the story.

Everybody can tell a story. Some do a better job than others. The great writers do a job so good, they turn an ordinary thing into a masterpiece... I guess it's the same with drawing a picture or taking a photo of the same subject. It's the same thing/object, but artists can drop your jaw, and me can make you wonder what the heck this thing is!

so i've got some talents too.
作者: skizzik    时间: 2010-4-26 13:28
呵呵,记得我第一次也是打现场也是紧张的不行。我在澳门打的10/20,换完筹码刚刚入座的时侯,轮到我大忙, ...
EP_Bob 发表于 2010-4-14 12:54


作者: bonycamel    时间: 2010-5-14 16:08
作者: 王宇    时间: 2010-5-14 17:18
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-14 22:22
见笑了, 我是casino newbie..but since someone has interest. I will post the rest ..
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-14 22:23
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-5-14 22:24 编辑

(9)  Busting My friend—Freckled man.
    Time flied by fast and it had just passed 9pm.  Not long ago, my wife
and her sister came by to see how we were doing and Beta left with them. I
was left alone there for the battles.  I went card dead for a while. I
picked up Ah9h at Small blind. A few people limped in. I hate being sb. So I
just simply called.

Flop 7h3d3h.

I got 2 over card and a nut flush draw. Even though the board was paired I
can't complain too much. I led the action 10$. Big blind freckled man called
so as Aikon.  Everyone else folded.

Turn was Qc.

I missed my draws. I checked. So did Freckled man, Aikon was being Aikon
again.  He bet 20$ with no hesitation.

River Kh.

I got my flush.  The board was paired with a limped pot preflop. I very
carefully put in 35$ and was ready to fold if anyone come over the top
all in.  Luckly, just 2 calls. I showed my flush and they mucked their hand.
"You guys had a 3?"  They both shaked their head. I collected my pot yet

My friend freckled man had not been doing well so far. He had re-bought a few times.  In one of the earlier hand he went all in with 同胞 A after flop with board 8 6 3.  He showed 8 3 immediately. 同胞 A didn't turn over the cards until all card were dealt. Turn and river were blank and 同胞 A had 8 6.  Freckled man was not very happy with the slow roll. He re-bought while telling me how 同胞 A acted like beat throughout after he showed his hand.  I couldn't disagree with him.  

Freckled might not be a great player in poker, but he certainly made it interesting for me.  In one of the earlier hands, I had top pair Q and decent kicker, but on river there was flush made. I checked to him. He asked me "How much can I bet to make you fold?"  "All in." I joked.  "Ok. I am all in!"   I looked at him for a second and mucked my hand immediately. To be a good friend of mine, he showed his K high flush.  "Nice hand." I told him. Then he suddenly said to me in regrets: "I should have asked you how much can I bet to make you call." I just laughed.   

             Freckled man continued his struggle.  His stack dwindled with the time passing by.  Then another hand came and I had A Qs at button. I raised it to 10$ with a few limpers ahead.  "ALL IN!"  Freckled man to my left immediately pushed all the chips in the middle. Dealer took all his chips to the middle and declared "25$ on top."  Everyone folded.  This was an easy call for me. Unless he had pocket As, I had odds.  I highly doubt that he had that; probably just a middle pair.  I thought for a while and called.  To add some suspense, neither of us turned over the cards until all the cards were shown.  Boards were all small cards under 10.  I didn't feel good and thought his middle pair held up.  He turned over KQ. I busted my dear friend freckled man. He didn't re-buy again and left quietly.  A few minutes later, the waitress brought a drink he ordered earlier but only faced an empty seat.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-14 22:25
(10) Aggressive white man.

    I counted my chip after I took out freckled man. I was holding around 450$
chips.  Another guy joined the table sitting to my left and brought 60$ with
him. 同胞B with a blue shirt also joined and sat to his left.
            The games continued on the table while I went card dead for a
while. Another hand came and I was at button.  MP old Asian man raised to 8$
and CO reraised to 20$.  Everyone folded. Asian man called.


Asian man checked, CO betted 35$. Then I got distracted for some reasons
that I do not remember and didn't catch the rest of the action. This was proven
to be a very costly mistake for me down the road.  All I noticed was the end
results with J on turn and 5 on river.  Old Asian man had pocket 10s and CO
had pocket Ks.  CO took a huge beat and had very little chips left.  I
asked CO. "Did he raise you?" "what?" "Did he raise you on any street?" "No.
" He did not have a good attitude and I couldn't blame him after a big loss.
But I couldn't get any information from him.   I thought the flopped A could have saved him some money but it obviously didn't help him. He left after a while.

Another guy joined and sat beside me.  He proved to be a very aggressive man
later. So I will call him aggressive white man. He started action
immediately and took a few small pots. One of the hands caught my attention.
He pushed all in into a very small pot at river with minimum action on
earlier streets.  The board was 2 6 8 10 9 and I do not remember the correct
order.  When the other guy folded he flipped over 107o.  I thought he had
at least J high straight and he certainly surprised me.  To push so hard on
the river with this hand, maybe I should have called him aggressive donk?  
Very soon, my observation was proven correct.  

One more hand was dealt, aggressive white man raised EP 15$. Everyone folded
to 同胞A who thought for a while and re-raised to 30$. Aggressive white man

Flop 2 4 8 rainbow with 2 diamond.
    Aggressive white man checked and同胞A put in 40$, a very healthy bet.  "
I am all in!" White man checked and raised all in.  同胞A stood up and
thought for a while and called. There were at least another 50$ on top for
the reraise. Neither of them turned over their cards.  Turn was a blank and
river was a diamond J.  I heard the guy beside me mumbled "EVEN better." Oh
so he liked the J of diamond. Then he flipped over pocket Js.  同胞A showed
pocket Ks. No surprise there.  He got sucked out by a 2 outer on river. 同胞
A did not say much after the beat, but he lost most of his winning with that
hand. Aggressive man was very happy and collecting his chips. I curiously
asked him: "what do you mean by EVEN better?"  Seriously, shouldn't it be "
Oh my god, miracle!"? But I did not say the latter part.  "Oh. I thought he
had pocket 6s and I was winning all along." How amazing holdem is!  You
could collect a huge pot for being completely clueless.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-14 22:26
(11)  Pocket Ks.
    I was sitting pretty with more than 400$ chips in front of me but was
card dead for a while. Suddenly, my luck changed. I was dealt pocket Ks at
button. LP old Asian man who had been fairly tight raised it up to 12$.  I
looked down and started to count my chips and try to decide how much to
raise here. For some reason, the annoying dealer told me that I have to say
"Raise" first if I wanted to raise. Did I miss a tip to him on the earlier
hand?  I did say "raise" but I was not happy with the comments.  What a
beautiful hand but a terrible start. "35$!" Asian man quickly called.  Hmm
he has got something

FLOP J23 with a flush draw.

Old Asian man checked. I had to bet here with that board.  "40$."  "Raise;
to 80$." Oops, I certainly didn't like that.  Pocket Js? Qs? Or AJ? Or slow
played pocket As? I was guessing only these possibilities, but most
likely Js.  How did he play that hand with set of 10s out of position? Damn,
I missed the action on that hand. That was terrible. What do I do here?

The old Asian man had been pretty quiet so far.  He busted KK with his set
of 10s. The only other hand I remembered was that he raised 5$ and
aggressive white man rearise to 15$ at button.


He checked and white man checked.
Turn 10

    He bet 20$. White man called.

River 5

    He bet 30. White man called.  He turned over A2o while white man showed
pocket Qs.  I thought white man had pocket Ks, but this was close enough.
White man was not very good. I felt he played this hand with 2 cards facing
up. But this old Asian guy obviously read the hand very well also. He got 2
street values out of a marginal A2 hand.  Not a bad player.

    How did I get involved with this opponent? I had a very strong feeling
that he was holding pocket Js. The raise was only 40$.  I didn't think I
could fold this, but I just called. I should probably have asked a count and
re-raise all in right there. But I was lack of experience and didn't even
ask for how much he still had left.  I realized that right away, and asked him after I
called.  He didn't say.  Turn was a blank.  "40$."  He put in another 40$.
I looked at his stack. He only had 28$ left.  So it was 68$ to go to the end.
I sat there counting my chips and thought for a long time. "pocket Js" I
talked to myself. But with the price, I couldn't fold this. I figured I
should put in 68$ right here. A terrible spot to be in, an almost guaranteed loss
but had to call here because I was committed. Now I knew how much he had
left. I felt that I was committed after my flop bet. Or maybe flop was the
only place I could lay it down after the not so small mini-raise. Time was
ticking. I knew I would go all in but I wanted to make it dramatic. So I
called time on myself and put in 68$ shortly after. The dealer jumped out again and said
that was a call. Oops I didn't say raise.  What an annoying dealer!  River
was another 2. It changed nothing. He put in the rest of the 28$ and I
called.  He turned over pocket Js and I mucked my Ks without showing.

        What a terrible sequence of events. Then suddenly the old Asian guys
started arguing with the dealer for something.  I couldn't understand what
was going on. Then I realized that he was complaining that I had my 2 cards
inside the lines at flop and I should have mucked my hand.  I was not happy
about that. I told him "would you like to assume that my hand was mucked at flop
and return my 100$?" He stopped arguing.  

After the big hit I was back down to 250$ chips. I could only tell myself
even Dolye Brunson got busted with his pocket As on HSP season 2 by set of 7
. I was no better than him. Every poker player fell to a set once a while
. Why should I be any different. With the totally stack size he had and the
re-raise I put in pre-flop. I couldn't go anywhere after flop.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-14 22:26
(12)  Call it a night?
    My excitement of winning started to fade away with the dwindling of my
stack size. I was down 183$ on that one hand. My winning became merely 100$.
I checked the time, almost 11pm. I stood up and wanted to give a call to my
wife, but only found that my cell phone ran out of battery. I bumped into
同胞A on my way back.  We chatted for a little while. I told him that I had
pocket Ks on that hand. As victims of set of Js while holding pocket Ks for
both of us, 感觉同病相怜。 He thought even if I called flop raise. I should
have laid down on turn. "你看他那么tight." As an afterthought, maybe he was
right. I felt like calling it a night so I asked 同胞A whether he could lend
me his cell phone to call my wife. He was very generous and let me use his

       I talked to my wife and she was about to go to sleep. I asked her
whether I should go back to hotel right away. She said yes and didn't want
me to lose back the 100$. Sigh, she obviously had no confidence in me.  I
didn't feel like walking from Caesars to Sheraton this late in AC. So I
wanted to ask Beta to come and pick me up. She told me to just call a cab.
Why should I leave now if I were to call a cab?  But she insisted. 我含糊的
答应了。I went back to the poker room and checked with the floor man whether
I would have problem getting a cab later. He said no problem. After I was
reassured, I went back to my seat returned the phone to同胞A and started my
second half of the journey.

    I left the seats right before the blinds hit me. When I got back, the
blind had not come around back to me. Live poker is slow!  Dealer told me to
post big and small blinds if I were to start right away. I looked around
realizing I was at EP. I wasn't going to pay 3$ to have a chance to play at
UTG. So I said I would wait. The dealer made fun of me "it is Saturday night
. Spend the money!" I laughed. Little did he know that I "treat poker like a
business" and I don't waste my blinds on position like UTG.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-14 22:26
(13)  Revenge.
    The small break after the big loss helped me. I wasn't about to go on
tilt. The truth was that comparing with the hundreds of pot I have lost online
by bad beat and suck-outs, this was really nothing. The biggest improvement
I had recently was to reduce my rate of tilting. However, that did not mean
I didn't want to take my revenge on the old Asian guy. I wanted my chips

    It came much faster than I expected. Next hand, I was at button dealt
3c5c, with a few limpers. I limped as well.
FLOP 4c6cQs
    Old Asian man led 10$. From my observation he definitely hit something
on the flop. I wasn't ready to play passively with my monster draws.  "raise
to 30$" without any hesitation. Everyone folded and Asian man thought for a
while and laid it down.  He probably had a weak Q. But I was impressed that
he could let this go so easily. I could well be steaming. He probably
thought that anyway, but he let that hand go. Small victory but I can't
complain while collecting the chips.

            A few hands later, I was at MP and dealt pocket 6s. I limped as
well as a few others and the Asian man.

FLOP 7s6s5c.

    I hit my set. Asian man led again 8$. Board was very dangerous but I
had to raise here. "Raise it 20$." Everyone folded and he called. I was wary
but I still felt pretty good about my hand.

Turn 2h.
    Not a bad card at all. This couldn't have helped him unless he has made
straight already on flop. He checked and I betted "25$."  This bet could probably be a
little larger. But I was a little worried about him slow playing me flopped
straight and I didn't want to lose him either for a pay out. He called.

river 10c.

         What a b-e-a-u-tiful river!  No draw was complete. He checked again. I
started to count my chips. I wanted to put in 40$ but then I thought why
lose him if he had a draw and a middle pair like pocket 8s. So I took out 2
chips and put in 30$. He called fairly quickly. I immediately felt that I lost some values
there. I showed my set and he mucked his hand.  I didn't think I played this
hand very well. The turn bet should be a lot larger especially if he was on
a draw. If he had two pair type of hand then I should even bet harder on
both streets to get more values. But it was a nice pot and I got some of my
momentum back.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-14 22:27
(14)  Initial Battles with 同胞 A.
    My chips climbed back way above 300$ again. I was getting my confidence
back.  Then I got tangled with同胞 A for a fairly big pot.  So far, we had
managed to stay out of each other's way. Early on, we had a few hands
against each other with small pots.

Hand 1:
I had 9d7d on sb and a few limpers including 同胞 A from EP.
Flop AdQd8c.
I had a flush draw and a back door straight draw. I was not going to wait
for action and led 10$. 同胞 B who was UTG called and同胞 A immediately
raised to 35$. I knew同胞 A got at least top pair of A or even 2 pair
because this hand was not long after he claimed that he should have raised
his 2 pair on the flop. I could call here for the implied odds. But I looked
at同胞 B. He was short stacked with around 60$ left.  I guess it would be
either fold or push all in for him.  He was utg and he could have something
big. If he came over the top then同胞 A could easily go all in with his 2
pair. Did I want to go all in with just a flush draw?  Obviously not! I laid
this hand down gracefully.  To my surprise, 同胞 B laid it down as well and
said he only had a pair.

Hand 2:

I was at bb dealt with 83o. A few limpers and I checked my option.

Flop Q88.

I hit my trips. I led 8$ without hesitation. The aggressive white man called
.  I didn't think he had anything.

Turn was a 5. Being out of position, I checked and hoping aggressive white
man would bet. He checked again.

River was a Q.

I don't want to lose my value so I bet 10$. All of sudden 同胞 A raised to
35$. All along同胞 A was in the pot and I didn't realize. It was a careless
mistake of mine. I did not notice this until he put in the raise.  
Aggressive white man quickly folded.  I tanked and thought for a long time.
同胞 A was fairly tight. He called on flop and checked turn. He had to have
hit something.  It couldn't be an 8 or he would probably bet turn when I
slowed down. Then it only left a Q where he called flop and checked turn
wary of the 8 someone might have. After some pondering, I laid this hand
down again.  It was clear to me that he either had a Q or it was a bluff
from a busted draw. 2 paired board on board, I highly suspect that he would
bluff at it this big with a busted straight draw, because I would most
likely call with an 8. I thought I saved myself 25$.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-14 22:27
(15)  Battles with 同胞 A continued.
    After 同胞 A took 2 pots from me, he probably felt that he had the upper
hand against me, but I would not be so sure yet if I were him. I thought I
made 2 good lay down. Do not need to win every pot right? Soon another hand
came, and I had pocket Js at MP.  I raised it up to 8$. All folded and 同胞
A called at button.

FLOP Q J 7 rainbow

I was not going to slow play this. "16$." I led the action. He just called.

Turn K

A dangerous card, but I couldn't slow this down 25$. "Raise" he put a stack
of chips in the middle. Dealer counted the chips and declared "35$ on top."
I did not like this raise. I know he liked to play connected card. 9 10, A
10 could both be in his range which made him the straight. I did not think
he had pocket Qs or Ks from the action so far. So I just called and want to
see another card.  Raise here was possible. But I felt that I was behind and
didn't want to go into a raising war when I was behind.

River 7

    Another beautiful river, I instantly felt I had the nuts. Pocket 7s and
Ks Qs were all unlikely based on the action so far.  I was very confident
with my hand.  I led the action immediately.  "$100!" I put in 2 stacks of
chips. I wanted to get paid off by his straight. I thought it would be an
easy call for him with the straight, but I obviously miscalculated it again!
He pondered for a long time, mumbling "sick, this is so sick."  Oops, I
played my card too obviously towards a person who could lay it down. This
might have worked on the aggressive white guy, but not him. He thought for a
long time and folded his hand. Damn, terrible terrible bet. I lost my value
once again. When I looked back, I should probably check raised river.
Because if he had straight, he would want to get paid off from my 2 pair or
paired hand, he would for sure put in a decent sized bet, all in need to do
was mini-raise it, it would be a sure pay off. Or I could put in a blocking
sized bet like 30$ and hoping he would come out and raise me up. Either way,
they should work better than my 100$ donk bet.  

    I collected what could have been a much larger pot in disappointment.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-14 22:28
(16) Welcome new players.

     I kept my momentum and building my stacks. I was close to 400$ again.
Not long, there was a 3 way all in on turn with the short stack to my left,
同胞B and a fairly competent guy to my right. On the turn the board was 5QJK
.  Short stack had pocket Js, 同胞B had A10 and the guy to my right had KQ.
What a hand! Unfortunately I left the table for a while and missed the
action. River was a blank.  同胞B tripled up.

      After that hand, 同胞B and short stacker both left the table. It only
left me 同胞A, diamond reward guy who barely played a hand, old Asian guy,
and the guy lost with KQ who appeared to be decent. On a short handed table
without an apparent fish, I did not like it at all!  I told the floor man
that I want to switch to another table. He told me that he would put me on a
waiting list. He couldn't do this until more people came and joined the
table. what a crook! He never came back to switch me for the whole night.

      Fortunately, a few people joined. A businessman looking guy came and
sat to the dealers right. For some reason, the diamond reward guy switched
form dealer's right to the left earlier. Then a couple joined. They each
bought in 60$ minimum and was sitting side by side. The wife was sitting to
my left.  Being a friendly guy that I am, I started to chat with her. When
she told me that they were married, I told her that she should sat to his
husband's left and raise him every time when he put in a bet to let him know who is the boss. She laughed
happily. Very soon I realized that this couple just wanted to come here and
have a good time.
      Not long after the couple sat down, a hand was dealt with a few limpers. The wife was at bb and checked her option.

Flop is 2 5 7

The wife led 2$ into a 10$ pot. The diamond reward guy raised it to 10$ and everyone folded and she called.

Turn is a 3.

She checked. That guy watched her for a little while through his sun glasses and put in another 20$. She called again.

River was a 5.

She checked again. That guy put in 25$ which put her all in. She called with little hesitation. The diamond reward guy turned over pocket Js and she showed 76o. I was totally lost on this hand. Kudos for the excellent plays for both players! She was not happy but re-bought in another 60$.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-14 22:28
(17)  "Why didn't you call my river bet?"

    The couple clearly was very bad at poker. The husband quickly shipped
most of his chips to others and was holding only less than 20$. I was anxiously
waiting for a hand to get paid off.  My opportunity came knocking very soon. Another
hand was dealt with a few limpers and I called sb with 910o. The wife checked
behind as bb.

FLOP Q J 4 rainbow.

I checked. The wife put in 5$ and everyone fold. I just had a straight draw.
I knew she had something she liked. It was a 5$ bet which were much larger
than the 2$ with her pair of 7. Knowing that I would get paid off if I hit
my draws, I called very casually and glanced at her remaining 45$.

Turn was a magical 8.

I had the nut straight. I checked. She put in $5 again. I can't slow play
this if I wanted her whole stack. I raised it to 20$. She smiled at me and
called. I think she liked me, but I only liked her chips.

River 7

    Nothing changed here. I put in another 25$ which put her all in. To my
surprise, she hesitated suddenly. What was so hard of a decision here?  You
called 25$ river bet with a pair of 7. You had to have something better than
this. She thought for a long time and folded in the end!  Miscalculation
for me again!!! I mucked my hand.
She asked: "what did you have?"
"J 10" I replied with a smile.
"No. you did not!"
"What did you have?"
I actually believed her on this, so I asked "nice hand. why didn't you call?
"Because I didn't want to lose my last 25$. My husband wouldn't let me buy
in again!"
FAINT!!!!!   What a reason she gave me!  It was tough to even make some
dollar from fishes who just wanted to lose.
"You had me beat. You should have called. I thought you didn't have anything
and my J10 was good." I was such a good liar.
"No--, you did not." She continued with a tone sounding like a typical
American girl.
"Ok I had you beat. It was a good fold." I thought she was pretty honest to
me so I gave her the truth.
"No--, you did not." She repeated the same thing again.
"haha." I laughed, "What would you like me to say? You were not happy with
me telling you that you had a better hand. Now I am telling you I have you
beat, you are still not happy.  Tell me what you want to hear. I will say
whatever makes you feel better. But seriously I had you beat."
"No--, you did not." She kept mumbling while the game continued. I didn't think she liked me any less after losing the hand, because she never came here with a plan to win. She probably had fun just arguing with me, but I made 25$ less for her stupid reason not to call.
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-14 22:28
(18)  I have a talent.
    The game continued. Another player joined and sat 2 seats to my right. I
looked at him. Wow, he looked exactly like J. C (Just Call) Tran, with the
same hair style and sun glasses. I told him later that he looked like him.
He didn't even look at me.  I later told Beta about this. He said "He
probably was J. C. Tran and didn't like it that you called him out." "haha,
I highly doubt that." But I will call him J.C anyway.

    J.C liked to raise at button and late position. He raised a few times to
6$-8$ at those positions versus a few limpers and took some pots after flop
. Another hand came with 2 limper and he raised again to 8$. I was at big
blind and looked at my cards A Qs. I couldn't flat here to let everyone come
along. So I re-raised to 25$ to isolate. To my surprise, everyone folded.
Maybe it was my tight image. I couldn't complain and took down a small pot.
The business looking guy asked me "what did you have?" "Pocket deuce." "
Really." "I had to bet when I was ahead right? I had a pair!"  "Yes, of
course."  I didn't think he agreed but he said he did. I thought I announced
to the table that I would re-raise with any pair.

    I think lying on the poker table comes so naturally for me. There were
many spots on that day where I could tell a lie without even blinking my eye
. I honestly think I have a true talent on this.  The conversation between
me and the wife were probably at my best. Then there were other occasions. I
was at button and everyone folded to me. This was very rare. Facing the
couple at small blind and big blind, I wasn't about to limp or fold. I
raised it to 8$ with my Q2s. The wife folded. The husband raised all in with
the rest of his 13$. It was a no brainer call. He turned over AQ and had me
dominated, but I kept my hand down.  Flop had an A and he doubled up and
found some breathing room. I just mucked my hand. The businessman looking
guy wanted to get some information again and asked what I had. I replied: "
pocket Js."  Why not? I was not ready to ruin my tight image and let the
table knew that I would steal with Q2s.

    Later that night, I was dealt KK at EP. After UTG limped, I limped as
well behind. MP made it to 12$ and one caller. I re-raised to 50$. Everyone
folded. You might ask why I limped second after UTG.  I did this because I
wanted someone to raise me so I could re-pop him while he thought I was weak
since I limped after another guy. That was how I read the LAG Russian had
nothing for his hand when he called sb and reraised when bb raised. I
instantly knew that he had nothing and he did only have 105o. Unfortunately,
no one paid attention to this and everyone folded. 对牛弹琴啊。Probably
half of table didn't even realize that I limped after UTG. Someone did ask
what I raised so big with. I said "I don't have much but I don't like to be
raised when I limp."  Haha. This reply even made myself laugh. But I wasn't
sure how the table would perceive me or they even listened. I might not
have a talent in poker, but my talent of telling lies on a poker table was
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-14 22:29
(19)  Biggest pot of the night.

    The game continued and I was comfortably holding more than 400$ chips
again. I was very happy that I could climb out of the big loss earlier. The
businessman lookalike had been pretty active lately. I found that he liked
to put in big bets on river, pot size river bets on several occasions.
Another hand dealt, and he raised to 6$ from MP. I was at bb and called with
pocket 3s with someone else at LP.

FLOP AJ8 with 2 spades and a flush draw.

    I didn't like the flop and I was out of position, so I checked. So was
everyone else. Surprise! No one have an A?  

Turn 3 no spade.

    I hit my set. I was confident that I must be way ahead of everyone.  So
I led 20$. The businessman looking guy called and one folded.

River 10 no flush made.

    This card completed several straights. Not an ideal card, but I wasn't
about to give it up. I checked for my option, knowing that he liked to bet
river. No surprise there. He put in 40$ bets. I didn't think he had the
straight, but his betting size did worry me quite a bit. I started to count
my chips. When he saw me counting more than the 40$, he reminded me "only 40
$." Worrying about the straight, I put the extra chips back and just called.
He showed AK. I showed my sets and took down the pot.  Looking back, I
thought he did give me a tell when he reminded me that the bet was only 40$.
He would never do that if he had a straight. I was too worried about the
straight and didn't at least mini-raise the river to 80$. The correct play
should be mini-raise to 80$ and fold if he pushed really hard all in. We
should never miss a value raise or bet on river because of the fear of the
nuts especially at this level where few people had the ability to 3 bet
bluff river. Later he said he was thinking about what he did wrong on that
hand. I asked "why didn’t you bet river?" He said "I was afraid that
everyone would fold if I bet." I nodded along while I laughed so badly in my

After this hand, I increased my stacks to over 500$. A few hands later, I
was UTG again and looked down with again 1 red and 1 black rocket! I
casually limped in like many other times. "raise it to 12$." 同胞A who had
been fairly quiet recently announced a raise. Another guy called and action
was back to me. I couldn't slow play this. The tragedy of pocket Ks was
still lingering in my mind. "I re-raise. 60$."  同胞A was surprised. No sure
what was going through his mind. He said "ALL IN" very quickly. I knew he
had got a hand, but I had the mortal nuts. The other guy folded quickly. I
calmly asked dealer to give a count on all of his chips. "$198 on top." Wow
huge pot, he had got 258$ total, but I had him covered. I was not trying to
slow roll here. I really just wanted a count so I knew how much I was up
against. I still regretted that I didn't get a count for my first all in and
I couldn't give out the exact amount of money in the pot. "I call." I
replied and turn over my As. Mistake again! I should have waited until the
end when he turned over the cards first since he put in the last raise.

Flop was all small cards with 2 spades. Turn was a Q spade. I didn't like the Q
at all! He could well have pocket Qs. Luckily, I had the A of spade so I
added a nut flush draw. River was another spade and no pair on board. I had
the nuts and won the pot. 同胞A mucked his hand! I still didn't know what he
had. Someone beside me said "he didn't have much." I couldn't agree with
him. I knew he had at least a big pocket pair like Ks Qs Js or AK. But no
one could ever tell except 同胞A himself. I do hope that he comes to this bbs board and tell me who he is some day. I need to say thanks to him again for lending me the I-phone and sorry to him for taking his whole stack. I thought he played well but he probalby lost patience at the end of the night.

同胞A left the table right away while I tried to arrange my huge stack of chips. I had more than 750$ chips with all 5s. For some weird reason, the dealer was not allowed to switch his 25$ chips to my 5$. I had to keep the tower of chips right in front of me. But it felt great!
作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-14 22:29
(20)  尾声。
    It was almost 1 am on Sunday morning. I didn't realize the time passed
by so fast within the action packed 2 hours. I increased my stack by 500$
during that time. The fish couple left long ago after both of them got
busted in a short period of time. There joined a baby faced young man who I
was sure that was underage. I asked him, but he denied it. The businessman lookalike said, "you can check his ID after you lose a big pot to him." What a slick idea! The baby face sat down to my left and bought
in 200$. He instantly increased his stack. He caught his set on one of the
hand and won a pretty big pot. When he turned over his sets, he sounded like
a veteran poker player. "I have a set." Later there was another hand, when
the old Asian guy went all in with another guy with K high board. He
immediately called out AK versus KJ. It was exactly that. I praised him "wow
, you got lazar eyes!"

I was very wary of the baby-face sitting to my left. The old Asian guy also
moved from another seat to 2 seats to my left. With two decent players
sitting to my left eyeing my huge stack, I was ready to call it a night.  I
ordered a cocktail trying to relax myself. Up until now, I only drank non-
alcohol drink and water to keep my mind sharp. Now it was close to the end,
I wanted to get some alcohol in and enjoy myself. After I finished my drink,
I was ready to leave the table. With so many chips in front of me, I could
not even fit it into one chip holder. I had to ask floor man to bring me
another. I went to the cashier and cashed out 500$.

I was ready to leave that table but not call it a night yet even though it
was already 1:30 am. After all I drove 2 hours to get here. I went back and
sat down another table to kill some more time. That table sucked. There was
not much action. The table didn't have an automatic shuffler and the dealer
was very chatty. I liked to chat with the players but if the dealer joined
and slowed down the game significantly. I hate it! I finally stood up and
left the casino around 3am after another hour of non-action. I cashed out
another 239$. I was up totally 599$. It was quite an achievement for me
considering this was my first live poker experience. I took a cab and went
back to the hotel. The cab driver charged me 10$ for just driving down the
street from Caesars to Sheraton, but there was really nothing else I could
complain about for the night.

Walking into the hotel, my wife was furious. She thought I planned to go
back around 11pm, but I went missing for another 4 hours. She couldn't reach
me since my cell phone was dead and was afraid that I got mugged on the way
home or murdered. I used all my tricks on an angry wife. She finally calmed
down but still was not happy. I slept from 4:00am to 8:00am and my 10 month
old baby girl woke me up twice during the time by crying very loud!

The next day, my wife kept telling me what she was planning to do to find me
. She wanted to contact the casino security, cab company and the police. I
thought it was pretty funny. She also said this would be the last time I
could come to AC to play poker because of my behavior. Obviously my winning
meant nothing to her. Not until 2 days later, she told me that she wanted to
go back to AC again because she did not pack well this time for us. What a
reason! I could only look at her in awe, but my mind has gone back to AC
already for the second time…
作者: 伟大的墙    时间: 2010-5-14 23:09
回复 3# windstormm

    (2) 第一手牌.
   Sitting down at the table and putting 140$ chips in front of me, I was
very nervous. My plan was very clear--try to stay out of the action until I
get familiar with the surroundings, opponents. Looking around the table, 8
different people were sitting. There is an old white guy sitting right to
the dealer, he had a diamond reward card in front of him. He must be a
regular. I have got to be careful. At the same time, I tried to hide my
pathetic gold reward card away from everyone's sight.  To the right of him,
it was a Chinese 同胞 in yellow jacket.  He was drinking a cup of coffee
looking very calm. (there will be plenty of battle between me and him in the
very near future). I sat down and told everyone it was my first time for me
plyaing this (not a lie, first time play poker in a casino).  A friendly
guy sitting left of the dealer replied "no worries, we will help you."  I
laughed and told myself that he must want to help me to lose my $$.  However
, I replied politely, "thank you".

一般说来,你说第一次玩别人都不信,好多人这样说。撒谎的人太多了,实话也没有人信了。有一句话很流行,never trust poker players.

   First hand, I was at MP and posted blinds 2$. My hands were a little
shaky when the cards were dealt.  Looking down, big slick AKo.  oops, the
whole goal of me staying out of action is out of window now. What do I do
now?  how much to raise?  one limper EP and everyone fold to me. I suddenly
remember someone have told me that the standard raise for live poker is 10$,
so I said raise. and put 2 5$ chips in the middle.  The Chinese guy called
at button, so as bb and the EP called. This is not good news to me. I didn't
isolate. What I heard was true, 5X raise and 3 callers?  This certainly doesn't
happen often online.

Flops comes out

K J 10 rainbow,

Not a great flop for 4 way pot but I did get TPTK. all checked to me and I
can't slow down this. 20$. a little weak but still a good half pot bet. My
hands were shaking badly when I was deciding what to bet and counting the 4
chips. The Chinese guy called and 2 folds.  I relieved a little, at least it
was HU now. But I certainly didn't like the call.  The flop was scary and I
was not ready to lose my whole stack.

turn was a 5.  

I tanked for a while, trying to figure out how much was in the pot. The
helpful guy early on joked "he is trying to figure out his math". I didn't
reply but was not happy with his help at the spot. I put out second barrel
35$.  My hands were shaking so badly that I bet everyone can see it that I
was very nervous. The Chinese guy thought for a while and folded. "his math
worked" I heard the same guy continued. I didn't care anymore because at least I won
my first pot live, and it was decent size.

作者: 伟大的墙    时间: 2010-5-14 23:19
回复 4# windstormm

    (3) Big slick AGAIN!
    I started collecting my chips after winning the pot.  I was very
relieved and started to calm down. What about the poker face I prepared for
live poker?  If I keep shaking my hand, i would give them all the tells. (
later someone actually mentioned this on the table) The winning hand helped
me greatly. I started to acting normal and didn't shake my hand anymore. I
also trying to remember what the poker book says "always remember how the
table observes you". I raised the first hand and fired 2 barrel. Everyone
must think I am a very aggressive guy. I need to use this to my advantage.  
Mental notes taken.

    I was back to myself and wanted to stay out of action to observe more
especially after I just won a pot. 2 hands later i was utg, the bb didn't
even come around yet to me.  I looked down, damn AKo again!  My position was
even worse this time. Didn't think I was going to do anything different. I
raised 10$ again. Why try anything different when it worked last time right?
  4 caller AGAIN!  the guy sat left to me--a black guy with freckles called
too almost instantly.  I was utg. Do they even notice?  Or do they just
think I was a maniac that raise 2 hands as soon as I sat down at a table?

under the gun AK有时候limp in 也是个不错的主意。直接第一过早暴露了实力,第二遭遇反抗,很难知道自己处于什么位置。当然,也是个好打发。最差的是limp in后,一群人进来,你中了东西还不知道危险。


QJ9 rainbow.  

I had 2 over card and a gut shot for nut straight.  I didn't want to lead
when I was on a draw. Plus my semi-bluff probably wouldn't work now that I was
raising and betting as soon as I sat down.  The freckled guy put in 15$
quickly. everyone folded. I had a draw to the nuts and the bet was smallish.
I might even have 6 outs for the over card. So i called and tried to get

Turn was a 7 again.

I checked he bet 25$.  I folded quickly.  


Second attempt of AK was a lost cause. I lost 25$. With the position I had
and the cards were dealt. I didn't think i could do anything different. I
really didn't want to start bluffing against unknowns.  The good thing was
that I was still up with my stacks.

After this hand, I started to loosen up and chat up with the black dude to my left.  I asked him what he had. He said he couldn't remember.  No surprise there that he did not want to tell me.  We actually made some quite good conversation and became quite good friends on the table.  I am a very chatty person on the poker table. I think it helps me to stay calm and distract others. I learned this at our home poker game.

作者: bonycamel    时间: 2010-5-17 13:11
作者: ysts    时间: 2010-5-18 11:09
作者: Sai    时间: 2010-5-19 06:51
(11)  Pocket Ks.
Then I realized that he was complaining that I had my 2 cards
inside the lines at flop and I should have mucked my hand.  
windstormm 发表于 2010-5-14 22:26


作者: windstormm    时间: 2010-5-19 10:04
there are the lines on the poker table. if your cards are inside lines, your hand are considered mucked. .. just my guess.

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