V1: UTG Unknown Stack $2000, betting size tends to be small but balanced with range of draw, weak pair and big hands.
V2: UTG+2 Tight medium player $1800
V3: UTG+3 Tight Passive Bad player $420
V4: UTG+5 TAG Good Player $4000
V5: Cutoff TAG Female decent player $3500
Hero: SB with QQ. $4500 Image: good LAG, has ability to bluff
Turn 10s, two spades on board.
V1 led 175, V3 all in with 170, V4 called but unhappily, Hero folded.
Comments on pre-flop play and turn play?
pre-flop call from OOP with QQ deep stack, weak or reasonable?
turn folded to small bet compared to big pot, weak or reasonable?