作者: CAMP_Zhangms 时间: 2013-9-26 12:12
没有位置的wrap或者wrap带花等听牌,也不是非得flop 无脑进, 只要尊重EV,多去到turn,还是有利可图的。 比方说对手AggF低的人repot你,你确定他是set,当然可以跟入turn,出对fold不出对则继续,是很标准的。 另外,对于还有些有花抽面的flop,后手的repot可能也是个super draw,你有时候筹码深,也需要谨慎行事,去到turn看出花以后对方的反应。 总之我觉得,把一些不确定领先许多的all in从flop更多的推迟到turn,是PLO进阶的表现。 作者: maomaobiao 时间: 2013-9-26 12:53
what I hate the most is,
In a 3 or 4 way game, no flush, pot and re-pot at flop. All other non-related players folded.
It is too obvious that the opponent and H both had the nut straight.
H have position, so bet when V checked river. And the V re-pot ......
Then both player lose in a "win-win" game, lose a lot rake.
Ever since, I understand why PG says "check raise river is just rude..."作者: monox0 时间: 2013-9-26 16:34