If you represent aggressive, be more caution with the player's check-raise when they are out of position. It is a matter of respection. 60BB is a little bit too much for TPTK here I think.
Just my two cents. 作者: shisfc0603 时间: 2013-6-5 12:25
不fold,输了也罢作者: July 时间: 2013-6-5 15:16
虽然对手有顶对无踢脚call raise 全进的经历,但他check raise 得牌应该还是很强。如果对手是一个顶对无踢却raise得人,这牌打到all in绝对没问题。这牌flop可以call,因为有Ah,turn 不出H 对方重注考虑fold牌作者: richardsyj 时间: 2013-6-5 15:23 本帖最后由 richardsyj 于 2013-6-5 15:28 编辑